Meat Lovers… BBQ Season is upon us!

Summer is coming (we’re not sure about the weather), so it’s time to dust off your BBQs and get ready to cook up a storm. But before you get started, let’s talk about where you can get the best meat for your BBQ. And no, I’m not talking about the pre-packaged stuff from the supermarket. I’m talking about the juicy, succulent meat sourced from your local butcher.

We know a thing or two about meat and can help you select the perfect cuts for your BBQ. From beef burgers, sausages, lamb chops, and chicken thighs, a good butcher can supply all your BBQ needs.

Burgers & Sausages

Now, let’s get down to the juicy bit- what food items are the best for grilling on a BBQ? Well burgers and sausages are your standard BBQ cuisine. Now, we might be biased, but we think that the Lincolnshire sausage is perfect for the BBQ!! But, you can also pick up a whole host of top quality sausages, from cumberland to pork and apple and even some of our low fat Lincolnshire sausages.

When it comes to burgers,  we’ve got you covered here too with our quarter pounders or if you fancy something a little different, our minted burgers are just delicious. But, if you fancy having a go at making your own burgers, you can pick up some of our mince and give it a go yourself. You can choose from beef, pork, turkey or chicken (or a combination), mix your egg and then it’s time to get adventurous. You can choose different flavour combinations and see how they turn out on your BBQ. You can add Jalepinos, herbs, spices, onion, sauces (be careful with these) or even stuff your bugers with cheese. The possibilities are endless.


Next up, we have the king of BBQ meats- ribs. Whether you prefer baby back or spare ribs, we can supply them. You can choose from a variety of flavours or you can marinate the ribs yourself overnight in a sauce of your choice- honey, BBQ, and teriyaki are all flavours that go great with ribs. Slow cook them on the BBQ for a few hours until they’re tender and falling off the bone.


Cooking your steak on the BBQ can add a whole new dimension of flavour to your meat!! The heat from the flames perfectly chargrill the outside of your steak. But, make sure you take your meat out of the fridge at least two hours before cooking to allow it to reach room temperature. Heat your BBQ and brush your grate with oil. Gas BBQs are great for cooking on, but charcoal BBQs add the real flavour to your meat. Adding flavoured woodchips to your BBQ can infuse the meat with a subtle flavour – if you like to experiment with different flavours. 

Try to avoid playing with your steak while it cooks, learning how long to leave your steak until it is done is a must. Typically the timings for a 2cm thick piece of steak would be as follows (please be aware, these are rough estimates and will depend on the heat of your BBQ) 

  • Blue – 1 minute on each side
  • Rare – 1.5 minutes on each side
  • Medium rare – 2 minutes on each side
  • Medium – 2.5 minutes on each side
  • Medium to well done – 3 minutes on each side

So, there you have it-  tips for a successful BBQ party. Over to you! To get started, just book your delivery with us or visit us on Ashby High Street or in St John’s Maket, Scunthorpe.